Code of Conduct

Most of you, we believe, would not abuse our website or the tools and features made available there. As a result, we kindly request that you read the following information and abide by our code of conduct. You are not permitted to use any of the tools, information, or solutions that are made accessible to you on or through our websites or products in order to engage in any kind of academic fraud.

Cheating And Academic Malpractice

Utilize any of the sample answers provided on our website or through any of our services, then present them to a class as your own. employing our homework help service to complete tasks or tests while being prohibited from doing so. claiming ownership of any data, products, or services obtained from or via our website or services. any other infringement of the academic code of conduct set out by the institution or your teacher.


We are committed to helping you succeed in your academic aspirations, but only if you don't engage in academic dishonesty or cheating. We will take harsh action if it is found that you violated this code of conduct. We retain the right, at our sole discretion, to terminate the infringing user's account if there is evidence that our services have now been abused in a manner that transgresses the aforesaid code of conduct (s).


We reserve the right to modify the terms and conditions and privacy policy by providing you with prior notification. We reserve the right to make changes to or discontinue running the Site (or any part of it) whenever we choose, with or without prior notice. You agree that we will not be liable to you or anyone else if the Site is changed, suspended, or canceled. The Terms & Conditions shall be governed by the latest edition.


You consent to receive emails, chat messages, pop-up windows, and publishing notices anywhere on the site in the form of digital communication. Digital communication will be used for interaction. If you delete your account or if we terminate your account, or if you send us a request to update your email address, all claims or interactions from the past will be declared null and invalid, and the user will no more be regarded as a customer of Take My Exam Helper.

Accounts Obligation

You must provide accurate personal information about yourself (such your full name, birth date, current email address, etc.) and a passcode in order to join us. To protect the privacy of your Account, we will create and display an e - mail account on the Service that will seamlessly route messages between and to your actual email account.

Maintaining Confidentiality

Your login information, password, and any actions—or inaction—you take or don't take—on your account all use, transactions, activities, charges, and liabilities payment confirmation, along with any illegal accusations brought on or via your account, up until the point at which you notify us that your User ID and/or password have been compromised. informing us of any unauthorized use of your login or password or vulnerabilities in the protection of your account.